A Sacrament of Initiation

Welcome! For Catholics, the Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. Whether we are baptized as infants or adults, Baptism is the beginning of a lasting communion with God.

“Baptism is birth into the new life in Christ. In accordance with the Lord’s will, it is necessary for salvation, as is the Church herself, which we enter by Baptism.” (CCC 1277)

“Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.” John 3:5

Baptism of Children

Congratulations new and expecting parents! Thank you for making the decision to have your child baptized here at St. Mary of Gostyn. Just as you are preparing for your child’s birth in many ways, entry into the church community through the Sacrament of Baptism has its own joys and responsibilities.

We are so excited to welcome your child into the life of Christ and our Church! As you plan for your baby’s baptism, please review the information below to become familiar with the steps you will need to take to secure a baptismal date. As with all Sacraments, Baptism is a communal celebration that we regularly offer throughout the year. To get started, learn about our Baptismal process and contact our Parish Office at (630) 969-1063.


Baptism of Adults

The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) (formerly known as the RCIA), is the way we welcome adults into Catholic Church. Our Becoming Catholic, Living Catholic OCIA Inquiry Course is designed just for you, a way to learn about our Catholic Faith, fall in love with Jesus and learn to live as a Catholic.

  • If you’re baptized in another faith tradition or never been baptized, or attending Mass because your spouse is Catholic, we welcome you to this journey of faith, and if interested, become Catholic.
  • Or, if you’re baptized Catholic, but have not received all your Sacraments, we welcome you on this journey.
  • If you’re a lifelong Catholic, we invite you to accompany inquirers along the faith journey, a way to share your faith in conversation with others and model what it means to live as a Catholic.

Together, we’ll share in the journey, growing closer in relationship with each other and Jesus. Please see the OCIA webpage or contact the Parish Office for more information.

“Peter [said] to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38


Step One: Parish Registration

  • Parents of the child to be baptized should be registered at St. Mary of Gostyn.

  • Under certain circumstances, registered parishioners of other parishes are welcome to have their child baptized at St. Mary of Gostyn. Often a Letter of Permission is needed from their home parish where they are registered and practicing their faith.

  • New to the area? Not a parishioner? We welcome you to register to become a member of St. Mary of Gostyn.

Step Two: Baptismal Preparation Program

  • St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a monthly basis.

    • If this is your first child, or it has been more than five years since you attended a baptismal preparation session at St. Mary’s or another parish, you will need to participate in a session before you can receive a date for your baby’s baptism.
    • If you have participated in baptismal preparation within the last five years, you do not have to attend a session.
  • Baptismal preparation sessions are led by lay volunteers and are typically offered on the first Thursday of each month, in the Parish Center.

  • Call the Parish Office at (630) 969-1063 to get started and secure a spot in an upcoming class.

Step Three: Selecting Godparents and Sponsors

Godparents play an important role in the faith life of your child. Parents are the primary source for nurturing your child’s spiritual growth and encourage active participation in worship, faith education, and service in Jesus’ name. As parents, a most serious responsibility is entrusted, that you guide your child in the practice of their faith. Additionally, godparents will also help to nourish and grow your child’s faith. While you are discerning who will be godparent(s) for your child, please consider:

  • They must be at least 16 years of age.

  • There are two godparents, who need to be male and female.

  • At least one godparent must be a baptized and confirmed Catholic who is active in his/her faith.

  • A second adult, if not Catholic, must be baptized Christian and acts as a Christian witness to the baptism.

This quick six-minute video helps understand the role of godparents, and can easily be shared with the two people you are considering.

Step Four: Schedule a Baptism Date

As with all Sacraments, Baptism is a communal celebration which we typically offer on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 1:30pm. We normally schedule up to six children for Baptism on a Sunday. These are the dates we normally schedule a Baptism, but if a different day/time may better accommodate your family, please call our office (630.969.1063).  Please make certain of your date before making plans with your family.

Baptism is a time for celebration and joy. It is the first and most important step you will take as Catholic parents in the life of faith of your child. Baptism is the first Sacrament of the Catholic Church and initiates us into the Body of Christ – into His life, Death, and Resurrection. It is the essential sacrament in becoming a disciple of Christ and indelibly marks us as His. This sacrament is the essential prerequisite for all the others. Baptism is God’s way of showing love for each child. It is the sign that reminds us that we are loved and created in God’s own image. Through the waters of faith, your child is welcomed into God’s family.

May the Lord bless you and your family as you prepare for and welcome your child into the family of God!

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!” Philippians 4:4

A History of Many Parts, But One Body

With over 2,700 families at St. Mary of Gostyn Parish, we continue towards a bright future enriching faith life, educating on Catholicism, serving those in need, and enjoying our close community.