Get In Touch With Volunteering!
St. Mary Religious Education Program is run by faithful individuals with a deep concern for children. Here are some of the areas where volunteer support is needed to assure that they learn their Catholic faith and develop a relationship with God. The time requirement can be small or large, but the rewards are always great. Please familiarize yourself with these areas of need and see if something matches your interest and your availability. We are happy to discuss the various roles with you and will support you every step of the way.
For more information, contact the Religious Education Office at or by phone at (630) 960-3566.
Complete the “Volunteer Form” below to volunteer in our Faith Formation Program.
Catechist, Substitute Catechist & Catechist Aide
Adults are needed at each of our sessions on Wednesdays (4:30pm to 5:35pm & 6:30pm to 7:35pm) and Thursdays (4:30pm to 5:35pm). Teaming up with a partner is encouraged. Junior high and high school assistants are also needed to offer support to the catechist. This is an excellent opportunity for junior high students preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
The Children’s Liturgy of the Word Program offers a special opportunity for our young children (beginning with the preschool age) to hear the Word of God proclaimed to them at their level of understanding.
Dates and Mass times for 2024-2025 will be forthcoming.