Volunteers Are Always Needed

Adult volunteers are also needed to assist in various Sacramental preparation and catechesis formation. Please contact the Parish Office for information or to schedule an interview. Training is required and will be provided.

Learn More About Sacramental Preparation & Catechesis Ministries

Simply click on the plus sign by the Ministry you would like to expand to learn more about.

Parents requesting Baptism for their children attend a meeting hosted by a Baptismal Host Couple to discuss the sacrament, its importance, and the parental role. Host couples will conduct a once monthly meeting and assist the Presider the day of Baptism on a rotating basis. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please call the Parish Office at (630) 969-1063.

Adult volunteers offers a special opportunity for our young children (beginning with preschool age) to hear the Word of God proclaimed to them during Sunday Mass at their level of understanding.

Married couples are needed to accompany engaged couples in the preparation process. Please call Deacon Bob Miciunas at (630) 737-9637.

Adult volunteers are needed to share their faith with our Pre-K through 8th grade students.

A History of Many Parts, But One Body

With over 2,700 families at St. Mary of Gostyn Parish, we continue towards a bright future enriching faith life, educating on Catholicism, serving those in need, and enjoying our close community.